Tasman Council No Spray Register
Tasman Council uses a variety of management techniques to protect public infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, kerbs and gutters. The use of chemical herbicides is one of the methods.
A ‘No Spray Zone’ register has been kept for many years, inviting residents to register their property frontage for exclusion from the use of chemical sprays by Council. To be considered for property frontage inclusion in this register, the property owner must complete a No Spray Register Application Form. Please note we don’t have authority over State Growth roads.
If your request is approved, Council will cease spraying herbicide in the area defined in the application until the date identified on the register. Should the area cease to be in a satisfactory condition (i.e. declared weeds present or vegetation becomes a safety concern or impacts on infrastructure), Council may be required to re-initiate the spraying program in the area.
Should the area become unsatisfactorily managed and spraying necessary, the property owner will have the option to have this controlled spray-free for a fee, or if the issue is relating to the presence of declared weeds, to submit a pest control plan detailing how the weeds will be controlled (using a suitably qualified person). This plan will require approval by Council.
This is necessary to allow Council to continue delivering essential services at a reasonable cost to ratepayers, whilst ensuring properties who chose to can have their roadside boundary free of herbicide use.
The spraying program includes verge spraying on Council maintained roads, with spraying widths generally up to 1.2m from the edge of the pavement on sealed roads and from the edge of the shoulder on gravel roads. Roadside drains that have recently been cleared are also treated.
Tasman Council conducts roadside spot spraying for woody weeds at varying times throughout the year depending on suitable weather. Information on alternative weed control methods can be found via DPIPWE Invasive Species website.
Application forms can be downloaded here or using the online application below. Please contact Tasman Council on (03) 6250 9200 or tasman@tasman.tas.gov.au should you require further information.
If your property is currently on the No Spray Zone Register, it will remain on the register. You can apply to be on the register at any time of the year.
If a property that is on the no spray register is sold it will come off the register unless the new owner contacts council.
Code of Practice for Spraying in Public Places
The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment provide the Code of Practice for Spraying in Public Places.
Section 26 of the Code, outlines the following:
Property owners who request the Council to desist from spraying in front of their properties on public land must prepare a proposed pest control plan detailing how they intend to control the problem themselves. The plan must be approved by the Council and carried out in a timely manner. If the issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, the Council may resume responsibility for the maintenance of the land using chemical products if necessary.
If safety concerns arise around guideposts, sign posts and guard rails spraying may be re-introduced.