Bushfire & Fire Permit Information

For more information pertaining to Fire Safety, Permits and Bans visit the Tasmanian Fire Service website https://www.fire.tas.gov.au/

Landowners are encouraged to register their burns by free calling 1800 000 699 to avoid unnecessary brigade responses.

Fire Permits when required by the Tasmanian Fire Service can be obtained also by calling 1800 000 699


TasALERT and TasRECOVERY provides a centralised online platform helping you to know what to do before, during and after an emergency event.

During an emergency TasALERT is Tasmania’s primary source of clear and consistent emergency warnings and information from emergency services and other government agencies, with a real-time map display and easy-to-use, high performing interface.

After the emergency response period, TasRECOVERY will connect you with all the support, advice and services you need.

TasALERT also provides access to emergency preparedness information, assisting you to Get Ready for an emergency event. 

TasALERT and TasRECOVERY is administered by The Department of Premier and Cabinet and is the Tasmanian Government’s official and primary source of emergency warnings, information and Recovery information.