Tasman Council No Slash Register

Tasman Council uses a variety of management techniques to protect public infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, kerbs and gutters. Slashing is just one of these methods.
The No Slash Register allows residents to nominate the road frontage of their property to not be slashed by Council. To be considered for the property frontage inclusion in this register, the property owner must complete this No Slash Application Form.

*Please note Council do not have authority over State Growth roads.
If approved, Council will not slash areas registered. This means that the property owner is now responsible for the following:

  • Maintaining the vegetation on the road verge.
  • Ensuring the vegetation is not overgrown, posing a fire hazard.
  • Not restricting the line-of-sight for motorists.
  • Vegetation is not encroaching on to the road surface or subsurface.

If your property is currently on the No Slash Register, it will remain on the register. You can apply to be on the register at any time of the year.
If a property is on the No Slash Register and is sold, it will come off the register unless the new owner contacts council.
Please see application form below. Please contact Tasman Council on (03) 6250 9200 or tasman@tasman.tas.gov.au should you require any further information.

map of properties on no slash register

If safety concerns arise around guideposts, sign posts and guard rails slashing and/or spraying may be re-introduced.

If you are thinking about managing the verge outside your property, please contact council prior to undertaking any planting. Consideration must be given to the type of plants – preferably waterwise native plants or grass with no declared or environmental weeds; and whether they would obscure road markers or signs, impact on line-of-sight for road users or restrict pedestrian access. You would also be responsible for the long-term maintenance of the verge.